Calculation of mass and volume of engineering materials

Steps for automatic calculation of mass and volume of engineering materials:

  1. Select the type of material.
  2. Choose a shape - parallelepiped or cylinder.
  3. Enter the dimensions of the workpiece.
  4. For more than 1 piece, enter the number of blanks.
  5. The results will be calculated automatically.
MaterialDensity, kg/dm3 
Aluminum 2.70
Aluminum (7075) 2.85
Beryllium Bronze (CuBe2) 8.26
Beryllium Bronze with Cobalt (CuCoNiBe) 8.75
Graphite for electrodes 1.84
Copper for electrodes (E-Cu) 8.90
MaterialDensity, kg/dm3 
Brass 8.50
Lead 11.34
Steel - High Speed (HSS) 8.20
Steel - dust. metallurgy
Steel - tool 7.85
Cast iron 7.70

Mass of the workpiece: 0 kg

Volume of the workpiece: 0 dm3

Total weight: 0 kg

Total volume: 0 dm3
